Saturday, 7 January 2012

Day 2

Today, or least most of this morning, was swallowed up by the bank. Our 10am appointment just went on and on and on and on and... Still, at least we now have a bank account and we'll be able to buy some stock once our debit cards arrive.
We got back to the shop just in time for the man from the floor cleaning company to arrive. Sadly he told us that carpet tiles and chewing gum dissolving chemicals don't mix so we're a bit scuppered on that score. New flooring is a bit beyond our budget, so I think tomorrow may find us lifting and switching gummy carpet tiles for unsoiled ones.

So now here's a quick mini tour of the premises as it was on Day 1.

This is the front of the shop - the front door and the window looking out onto Tamworth Street.  Note the lovely gingham "curtain" hanging at the window.

This is the main area of the shop with random pieces of slatboard on the walls and yarn pigeonholes just in shot. 

This is our compacy and bijoux office complete with desk and shelves.  We've moved this around already but I'll post better quality photos tomorrow.
This is the kitchen area which I believe the cleaning fairy aka my mum is going to blitz tomorrow.  Yay!

As I said, I'll take more pics tomorrow and do a proper guided tour so you can see how things have progressed in just 3 days.

Our home computer has been playing up, hence the not very intersting post but tomorrow will be better.


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